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VIP Utility Updates

Exciting improvements are headed for northern Apex

Phase 1 + 2 - Vegas Industrial Park

HR North Vegas is delighted to announce the following updates to Vegas Industrial Park:

WATERLINE: Water is making its way north in Apex! We are pleased to announce the extension of the Apex waterline infrastructure was approved by the City of North Las Vegas. Design has been underway since June 2022. The future waterline will connect to the Phase II waterline currently under construction. Additional details will be provided as we complete this important project for the City of North Las Vegas and Vegas Industrial Park.

• Pipeline size: 24”
• Estimated Completion Date: Summer 2024
• Reservoir: 2,500,000 gallons

POWER: VIP has secured 12 megawatts of power for the initial phases of the project. Future phases will be powered by one of the largest substations in the region. The 140-megawatt substation will be constructed within the VIP master plan development.

• Completion Date 12 MW: Summer 2024
• Completion Date 140 MW Substation: Fall 2025

GAS: The design for a high-capacity gas line with Southwest Gas is underway. The line new line will tape the existing Kern River gas line just west of VIP. This will provide one of the largest gas capacities in the region and provide gas service to northern Apex.

• Construction Start Date: Spring 2023
• Estimated Completion Date: Summer 2024

CIVIL WORK: VIP has completed the design of a large concrete flood control channel. The channel will protect phase 1 and 2 of VIP and nearby properties. The ultimate build out of the channel will protect all 4 phases of VIP, which totals approximately 10,000,000 square feet of development.

For more information, please contact:
Kevin Keating | CEO
TRES Advisory Group

Disclaimer: The following information is for general information purposes and no person shall be bound by general information contained herein.

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